Collecting Calendula Seed

Collecting Calendula (Pot Marigold) Seeds

Collecting your own seed is a great way of increasing the number of plants you have in your garden for very little cost. So why not save on those seed packet costs and save your own seed for sowing the following year? In this article we show you how to collect Calendula seed.
Close up of a Calendula, Pot Marigold, Flower
Calendula is also known as the Pot Marigold. It is an easy summer annual to grow in the garden and produces numerous seeds. The most common and traditional colour has single orange flowers but they are also available in yellow and double forms.

They make excellent cut flowers and the flowers can even be used in salads. The flowers are also great for bees. 
Close up of Calendula Seed Heads
These are Calendula seed heads. The actual seeds are enclosed within the outer claw. When the seeds are ripe the seed heads are brown and dry.

Keep and eye on the flowers so you know when to harvest. Calendula can flower from May to September so seeds will form over a number of months. September is usually a good time to collect seed for storing or direct sowing.

Close up of Calendula Seeds
These are Calendula seed. The picture has been slightly enlarged to show the raised texture on the outer surface of the seeds. The seeds are naturally slightly curled. 

Calendula can be sown directly after harvesting in August or September. Just scatter the seed on your soil where you want them to grow. Alternatively you can save the seed to sow in spring from March to May.

Allow the seeds to fully dry if you are storing them. You can read our article on storing seed here.
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