How to Grow Outdoor Hyacinth Bulbs

Purple Hyacinths in a Terracotta Pot

How to Grow Outdoor Hyacinth Bulbs 

Close up of a Purple Hyacinth Flower
Close up of a Yellow Hyacinth Flower
Plant Hyacinths along your paths and by your front door to enjoy their heady scent in March and April.  They are great in the ground or in containers. There are two types of Hyacinth bulbs you can buy, outdoor Hyacinth bulbs and prepared Hyacinth bulbs so make sure you buy the right type. Prepared Hyacinths bulbs are different to those you grow outside as they have been heat treated so that they flower early, usually in time for Christmas. Prepared Hyacinth bulbs are more often sold as loose bulbs and are more expensive than outdoor untreated Hyacinths. The guide below details how to grow Hyacinths for the garden or for pots to flower in  the spring.

How to Grow Outdoor Hyacinth Bulbs

When should I buy? Purchase bulbs in September and October
When should I plant the bulbs? September or October
When do they flower? March and April
What conditions do they like? Full sun for permanent displays, although will take partial shade for short periods
What soil do they like? Well drained soil which is reasonably fertile
Where can I plant? Suitable for pots or in the the ground
How deep should I plant? 10cm (4 inches) deep
How far apart should I plant? 7.5cm (3 inches) apart
Any other care? You may need to provide some support when they flower. Bulbs are best purchased new every year for the best quality flowers
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