Planting Apple Trees in a Container

Planting an Apple Tree in a Wooden Barrel

Apples are an easy fruit to grow in any UK garden. If you are short on space why not grow an apple tree in a pot or container? In this guide we show you how to plant an apple tree in a wooden whisky barrel. 
Wooden Whisky Oak Barrels
Step 1
These are the wooden barrels we are going to be planting our apple trees into. They are a byproduct of the Whisky industry so still smell of alcohol especially when they are wet after the rain! They are made out of oak so are going to last the lifetime of our apple tree.
Cordless Drill with Flat Wood Bit
Step 2
The oak barrels don't have any drainage holes so we need to make some in the bottom of the barrel. You will either need a flat wood bit or hole saw for this. We are using a 2.5 cm (1 inch) flat wood bit. You will need to use a quality wood bit as the oak is tough, being a hardwood, and about 2 cm (3/4 inch) thick. 
Five Holes drilled equidistant in a wooden whisky barrel
Step 3
Here you can see we have drilled five equally spaced drainage holes in the base of the barrel.
Wooden Barrel with Tree and Shrub Compost Added
Step 4
Next you need to start to fill your barrel with a good quality compost. The apple tree will be in this wooden barrel for the rest of its life so needs a decent substrate. We have chosen a Tree and Shrub compost. You could also use a John Innes No 3, which is a soil based compost, for mature plants.
Wooden Barrel with pot for planting
Step 5
Take your apple tree out of its pot, then place the empty pot into the compost in the middle of your barrel. Then start filling the barrel with more compost around the outside of the pot. 
Wooden Barrel with compost ready for planting
Step 6
Once you have added more compost up to the lip of your pot, remove the pot. You will now have a hole that is the exact size as the root ball of the apple tree. 
Apple Tree Planting in Wooden Oak Whisky Barrel
Step 7
Place your apple tree into the hole you have made in the compost in the middle of the barrel. Add any remaining compost so that the roots of the apple tree are just covered. 

We have planted a Columnar Apple Tree which grows vertically without branching. They are great for gardens with limited space or for pots and containers. There are plenty of other types of apple tree that are suitable for containers. Just check the label when you buy to ensure they don't grow too big and are suitable for your space. 
Apple Tree after watering in Wooden Oak Whisky Barrel
Step 8
Finally give your apple tree a good soak. As you are growing in a pot your tree will be reliant on you for food and water throughout its life, so don't forget to check on it when the weather is dry and give it a water.
Delicious Apple on a Tree
You will then be harvesting delicious apples in the autumn for years to come.
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