Although from the Mediterranean citrus prefer to be cool during the winter months.
They like to be kept between 7 degrees celsius and 13 degrees celsius in winter.
Citrus go well with Azaleas, Hyacinths, Cyclamen and Cymbidium due to similar temperature requirements.
All Mediterranean plants like to be kept on the dry side during the winter months.
They should only be watered when the top 1cm of the compost is dry.
The warmer temperatures citrus are kept the more water they will need.
You may need to water more than once to ensure the water reaches the bottom of the pot.
When a citrus is stressed it will lose its leaves. This is usually caused by the plant being over watered or being too cold.
The most common pest to attack citrus is mealy bug. This is a white bug that looks like a small wood louse and is usually found on the leaves or where branches divide.