If you are short on space you can plant Garlic in containers as long as they are deep enough for the roots. Just fill your chosen container with a multi-purpose compost and plant the same distances as listed below. Do not plant Garlic in soil that has recently been used to grow Garlic or ornamental Allium. Early autumn planted cloves will be ready to harvest in June or July, winter cloves as late as August.
Garlic Carcassonne Wight bulb and individual cloves. This bulb broke into 7 cloves.
Garlic Germidour bulb and individual cloves. This bulb broke into 13 cloves.
Garlic Wight Cristo bulb and individual cloves. This bulb broke into 12 cloves.
Garlic Red Duke bulb and individual cloves. This bulb broke into 8 cloves.